
  • Deepika Badkur
  • Vibha Arjaria
  • Vikas Pandey


: Covid19 disease, Willingness, Covid19 vaccination, Vaccine hesitancy


Background: Covid-19 pandemic lead to an era of lockdowns, social withdrawal, and mask use. In the absence of a specific therapy, vaccination is the only way to decrease the frequency of infections and create herd immunity. Less illness in families, a decline in student absences, and a reduction in stress are all advantages for children who take the Covid-19 vaccine. Safety and effectiveness are usual hurdles in lowering parental willingness for Covid-19 vaccination of children.

Objective: To assess parents' willingness and perspective regarding the Covid-19 vaccination of children.

Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was conducted (June to Dec 2021) in Bhopal using a self-administered online questionnaire. About 350 parents (having children ages 2 to 17 years and filled the informed consent form) were included to answer questions on knowledge related to Covid-19 infection, vaccination, and their willingness and perception to vaccinate their child. The study was approved by the institutional ethics committee. Categorical variables were expressed as frequencies and the chi-square test was used to compare proportions using Microsoft Excel software.

Results: The willingness of parents to get their child Covid-19 vaccine was 71 % and was found to be statistically significant with the age of the child, whether the vaccine will help in the control of infection, parent’s vaccination status, and the resources parents utilize to get the latest Covid-19 information.

Conclusion: High willingness rate indicates parents’ awareness related to the benefits of Covid-19 vaccination in children and paves the way for the implementation of several ongoing immunization initiatives.

Author Biography

Deepika Badkur

Background: Covid-19 pandemic lead to an era of lockdowns, social withdrawal, and mask use. In the absence of a specific therapy, vaccination is the only way to decrease the frequency of infections and create herd immunity. Less illness in families, a decline in student absences, and a reduction in stress are all advantages for children who take the Covid-19 vaccine. Safety and effectiveness are usual hurdles in lowering parental willingness for Covid-19 vaccination of children.

Objective: To assess parents' willingness and perspective regarding the Covid-19 vaccination of children.

Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was conducted (June to Dec 2021) in Bhopal using a self-administered online questionnaire. About 350 parents (having children ages 2 to 17 years and filled the informed consent form) were included to answer questions on knowledge related to Covid-19 infection, vaccination, and their willingness and perception to vaccinate their child. The study was approved by the institutional ethics committee. Categorical variables were expressed as frequencies and the chi-square test was used to compare proportions using Microsoft Excel software.

Results: The willingness of parents to get their child Covid-19 vaccine was 71 % and was found to be statistically significant with the age of the child, whether the vaccine will help in the control of infection, parent’s vaccination status, and the resources parents utilize to get the latest Covid-19 information.

Conclusion: High willingness rate indicates parents’ awareness related to the benefits of Covid-19 vaccination in children and paves the way for the implementation of several ongoing immunization initiatives.


