
  • Rimple Khicher
  • Niharika Chauhan1
  • Mandeep Kaur


Embryonic stem cell, Totipotent, Undifferentiated cell, Stem cell therapy


Knowledge of stem cell therapeutics has opened the door for a very advanced, promising and highly efficient scientific
research technique. The achievements of various paths of dividing patterns in this area open a new era of treatment.
The stem cells regeneration is followed by various lab techniques of culturing diverse types of cells. Quality control
and teratoma formation assays are the techniques used for assessing the growth kinetic properties of the stem cells
tested. Diverse culturing mediums are experimented to evaluate appropriate natural type environmental conditions for
specified differentiation. The graphene scaffolds (Porous nature structure) and the great potential of extracellular
vesicle-based therapeutics attain remarkable position in scientific era because of their versatility. This review is mainly
concerned with the finding of diverse stem cells & their potential therapeutic actions. Diverse variety of actions of stem
cells make way for highly efficient methods in recent medicine, providing alternate for not curable diseases. The aim of
this review is to attract the attention of researchers towards the therapeutic potential of stem cells.

